Press Release

For Immediate Release


TracFOG, Watering Tools and new Drip Emitters popular at OFA Short Course

Kurt Becker

Columbus, Ohio- Thank you to everyone that visited our booth at the OFA Short Course last week. We had a great show.

Despite having 13 staff members at the show, we were constantly swamped. If we missed you, please feel free to contact us with your questions.

The TracFOG, our new 1000PL Assortment, the 350PL and our Wide Labyrinth Drip Emitters led interest at the show.

If you would like information on any of these products, please let us know.

Press Release

For Immediate Release


TracFOG, Watering Tools and new Drip Emitters popular at OFA Short Course

Kurt Becker

Columbus, Ohio- Thank you to everyone that visited our booth at the OFA Short Course last week. We had a great show.

Despite having 13 staff members at the show, we were constantly swamped. If we missed you, please feel free to contact us with your questions.

The TracFOG, our new 1000PL Assortment, the 350PL and our Wide Labyrinth Drip Emitters led interest at the show.

If you would like information on any of these products, please let us know.