Press Release

For Immediate Release


New CD2 Chemdose Nears Completion - See it this summer!

Kurt Becker
920/684.0228 x 117

Manitowoc, WI- Seeking improve chemical drenching applications, Dramm has redesigned its popular Chemdose precision drenching system. The previous units operated well, but were limited by their tank size, power requirement and hose lengths. The New CD2 Chemdose eliminates those limitations by functioning as a hose end unit. The New CD2 can be connected to any source, an injector, a hydraulic sprayer, and apply a correctly measured dose directly to the pot.
The CD2 can be worn
or mounted on a small,
portable cart. The unit measures
and controls the dose while
using your existing sprayer
or injector as the source.
The CD2 will measure the
correct amount of solution
no matter what the flow rate.

See the new CD2 at the Southeast Greenhouse Conference or the OFA Short Course. For more information, please contact Kurt Becker at Dramm.

Press Release

For Immediate Release


New CD2 Chemdose Nears Completion - See it this summer!

Kurt Becker
920/684.0228 x 117

Manitowoc, WI- Seeking improve chemical drenching applications, Dramm has redesigned its popular Chemdose precision drenching system. The previous units operated well, but were limited by their tank size, power requirement and hose lengths. The New CD2 Chemdose eliminates those limitations by functioning as a hose end unit. The New CD2 can be connected to any source, an injector, a hydraulic sprayer, and apply a correctly measured dose directly to the pot.
The CD2 can be worn
or mounted on a small,
portable cart. The unit measures
and controls the dose while
using your existing sprayer
or injector as the source.
The CD2 will measure the
correct amount of solution
no matter what the flow rate.

See the new CD2 at the Southeast Greenhouse Conference or the OFA Short Course. For more information, please contact Kurt Becker at Dramm.