Press Release

For Immediate Release


New, Soft Grip on Dramm Handi-Reach Handles

Kurt Becker

Manitowoc, WI- Dramm has begun shipping Handi-Reach Handles with its new EPDM rubber grips. The new grips are soft and insulate your hand from the cold water, easing hand watering.
Unlike most foam grips,
the new EPDM rubber grips
will not harden or crumble
over time. The new grips
replace the blue plastic
grips Dramm has supplied
for years. The new grips
will offer comfort and

For more information please email us or contact us at the numbers to the left for more information.

Press Release

For Immediate Release


New, Soft Grip on Dramm Handi-Reach Handles

Kurt Becker

Manitowoc, WI- Dramm has begun shipping Handi-Reach Handles with its new EPDM rubber grips. The new grips are soft and insulate your hand from the cold water, easing hand watering.
Unlike most foam grips,
the new EPDM rubber grips
will not harden or crumble
over time. The new grips
replace the blue plastic
grips Dramm has supplied
for years. The new grips
will offer comfort and

For more information please email us or contact us at the numbers to the left for more information.